Why Should You Use Easy Geo TV Ads To Promote Your Business?
Unlike paying outrageous costs for traditional TV Ads, you can reach people interested in your products for a fraction of the cost, with all the benefits of Premium Network TV Advertising.
Our proven targeting technology reaches potential clients based on their offline and online behaviors. This means we get your ad in front of the people most likely to want your products and services (and don’t waste your money on advertising to people who probably aren’t interested) !
What’s So Great About Easy Geo TV Ads?
Easy Geo ads are targeted to the exact client you need to reach in the comfort of their home.
Your potential customers will see and remember your name during the programs they enjoy most.
Your ad is shown on a large television screen while consumers are engaged with their favorite programming.
78% of Americans watch television with their families, friends and neighbors making your audience significantly larger!
High completion rates. Over 90% of videos are watched to completion!
Use QR codes to drive users to your website, or store.
With Easy Geo TV Advertising, the ads cannot be skipped
You are reaching clients when they are relaxed and attentive at home.
Videos are shown on the entire TV screen, from 30″ to 84″ TV’s or larger!
Your ad can be shown 24/7 if desired, however most clients ads are schedule to be viewed 6am-10pm.